LG Q7 BTS Edition!
Hey guys! some of you already heard that LG released new BTS edition phone on 13rd of September. Q7 which was released this summer, is back with more BTS contents this September! There is good night, good morning call recorded by BTS, BTS wallpaper which is randomly changed, BTS handwriting sticker which you can use for message and more. The price is 473,000 won. In Korea, you can pre-order in three sites. for SKT user https://shop.tworld.co.kr/handler/PhoneDetail-Start?PRODUCT_GRP_ID=000003212&SUBSCRIPTION_ID=NA00005958&CATEGORY_ID=20010001&REL_CATEGORY_ID=30010024&COLOR_HEX=&callGnb=01&loc_code=&o2o_flag=L for KT user https://shop.kt.com/smart/productView.do?prodNo=WL00049716&pplGroupDivCd=&pplId=&supportType=01 for Uplus user http://www.uplus.co.kr/sqr/prdt/wlsp/RetrieveNewLteTypeProdDetail.hpi?hopeModel=LM-Q727L&formcType=PCFOGLTEA Sorry but for fan in abroad, better to wait a ...